Kevin was MIA when Nick & Joe were spotted at their NY hotel ((again)) by
People Magazine. Click
here for the photo & quick description.
Also-the Bonus Jonas was seen leaving the same hotel by
Perez Hilton's people! Little
Frankie J was getting some attention from the ladies as well. =]
As you can tell, Kait & I are working on this site's layout, so it may be changing a lot in the next few days. We're just trying to get used to all the features && what not.
Sweet JB dreams, as Kait says!
♥ Veronica
-The talented boys posted a few blogs on Myspace this morning.
One was reminding everyone about the iTunes video package they have, as well as an urge for us to get
SOS to be #1! Right now it's #4!!!

second was a reminder for all you Jersey fans because they were on their way to the Rockaway Mall.
Seems like Kevin, Joe & Nick are glad to be performing for their hometown. =] I bet their happy to be able to give back to their roots! I wish I had enough gas money to drive myself out there & get scalper tickets! Haha. Well, for those of you who are lucky enough to live near Rockaway & Newark, have a fantastic time! Be excited that boys are happy to be back!
♥ V
**PS. Just a reminder about the JB's appearance at the NHL Rockin' Skate 2008
they announced last week. BUY YOUR TICKETS BEFORE THEY'RE GONE!