Friday, December 28, 2007

New Staffer & NEWS!

So I just found a co-owner of this site! Kait! You might see her name around the site once we get things all settled. So just wanted to let you all know. =]

&& In other news:

A funny article HERE from TMZ discussing the JB as they came out of their hotel in NY.

Also, there are DOZENS of articles going around that Miley & Nick have split. I don't know how many interviews have been done by Nick himself who has denied being with Miley in just the past 3 months, but in every interview Nick has said they are strictly friends. I believe Nick rather than the press any day, so you can decide for yourself but I think it's all FALSE NONSENSE! =]

&& This isn't news but I love the video anyways. It's Kevin & Joe's rap. Just adding a bit of laughter to your day !

Alright then! Kait may be adding some things later tonight, so keep an eye out! =]