Friday, March 14, 2008

Kevin, Joseph & Nicholas will perform
in Fairfax, Virginia tonight.

KEEP UP THE VOTING!!! All links are in yesterday's post. ;]

As you all saw from the pictures from Wednesday's post while the JB were in London, the boys are cracking up in a lot of them. Well, I found the reason why!! Listen closely to the first video!

The next one is also funny, but Joseph corrects Kevin's mistake ;].

ALSO: From their London Conference, here is a secret performance of 'S.O.S.'

Click this link to check out video from last night's performance in Reading, Pennsylvania!


***UPDATED AT 9:23pm LA TIME***
Finally a well-written, praising article about our beloved boys!! About time someone noticed how fantastic they are! (There are two pages to the story, so be sure to read them both!)

Here's another article about the JB with a tiny bit more detail into why Kevin, Joseph & Nicholas decided to leave Columbia Records way back when...