Tune in to American Idol tonight
to see the boys make an appearance
for Idol Gives Back.
(I believe this was pre-recorded, as the boys are currently in the U.K. preparing for their show tomorrow.)
to see the boys make an appearance
for Idol Gives Back.
(I believe this was pre-recorded, as the boys are currently in the U.K. preparing for their show tomorrow.)
Kevin, Joseph & Nicholas posted a Myspace bulletin a bit ago to remind us to watch tonight!
They posted another reminder around 3pm EST time, too.
It looks like along with becoming a Blu-Ray dvd, the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus Best of Both Worlds Movie will be made into a 3D dvd! The new movie set to be released on August 19th will include 4 pairs of 3D glasses for you to enjoy the 3D experience in your living room! The Jonas Brothers will be jumping out of your tv! ;]
Well, I don't know who they are, but they managed to snag our boys for an interview. Check out the Beacon Street Girls and their interview with Kevin, Joseph & Nicholas. (There is a second page here!)
Apparently the JB will be on XM Satellite Radio's 20on20 this Friday. It will be a super special 3 hour "Bonus Jonas Edition" of the "I'm With the Band--Jonas Brothers" show. It is going to be this Friday, April 11th at 3 & 9pm EST with a second time to hear on Saturday, April 12th at 12 & 6pm EST, and a third and final time to hear on Sunday, April 13th at 9am EST. They will be playing their favorite songs without any rules and giving us a look behind the scenes into their life. =]
If you're an avid fan of Dancing with the Stars (even when the JB isn't performing & have been watching for multiple seasons), then you would have noticed a bit of Jonas Brothers footage last night! I was so pleasantly surprised to see my three favorite boys pop up on the tv to talk about the dancers moves and how beautiful they were (thanks Nicholas ;0]). The first glimpse of our boys is at 6:35 and again at 7:25. =]
Jeez, I have been seeing this ad everywhere on Myspace lately! I thought I'd share because it's so funny. =] Look carefully & you'll see Nicholas Jerry! ;)

They posted another reminder around 3pm EST time, too.
***UPDATE AT 2:15pm LA TIME***
The whole Jonas family backstage at Oprah!
The whole Jonas family backstage at Oprah!
It looks like along with becoming a Blu-Ray dvd, the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus Best of Both Worlds Movie will be made into a 3D dvd! The new movie set to be released on August 19th will include 4 pairs of 3D glasses for you to enjoy the 3D experience in your living room! The Jonas Brothers will be jumping out of your tv! ;]
Well, I don't know who they are, but they managed to snag our boys for an interview. Check out the Beacon Street Girls and their interview with Kevin, Joseph & Nicholas. (There is a second page here!)
Apparently the JB will be on XM Satellite Radio's 20on20 this Friday. It will be a super special 3 hour "Bonus Jonas Edition" of the "I'm With the Band--Jonas Brothers" show. It is going to be this Friday, April 11th at 3 & 9pm EST with a second time to hear on Saturday, April 12th at 12 & 6pm EST, and a third and final time to hear on Sunday, April 13th at 9am EST. They will be playing their favorite songs without any rules and giving us a look behind the scenes into their life. =]
If you're an avid fan of Dancing with the Stars (even when the JB isn't performing & have been watching for multiple seasons), then you would have noticed a bit of Jonas Brothers footage last night! I was so pleasantly surprised to see my three favorite boys pop up on the tv to talk about the dancers moves and how beautiful they were (thanks Nicholas ;0]). The first glimpse of our boys is at 6:35 and again at 7:25. =]
Jeez, I have been seeing this ad everywhere on Myspace lately! I thought I'd share because it's so funny. =] Look carefully & you'll see Nicholas Jerry! ;)
