Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lots of updates in these past few days...

Hey! As the title says, there have been TONS of updates in the past few days concerning Kevin, Joseph & Nicholas. If you think you've missed anything, just scroll down & check out the links below. There are tons of articles, tour info updates & new released videos.

With that said, I just found a really well-written article by Pollstar about the boys. Apparently they're being called the "HotStar" of the week. In another article by the same source, Kevin gushes about how much our favorite trio loves their fans. Check 'em out & read 'em thoroughly; you won't regret it! =]

♥ V


Kevin was on the John Jay & Rich Radio Show on Monday morning. Check it out! =]

For you
tween ages, a source has showed me backstage video footage of the boys during their tour stint w/ Miley last month in New York state from BOP & Tiger Beat. Take a look!

I found a "comic strip" the JB made, too.
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Don't forget to pick up PEOPLE Magazine sometime before the week's over!!! Kevin, Joseph & Nicholas give PEOPLE a behind-the-scenes look into the "Best of Both Worlds" Tour from earlier this month/last month. Here's a preview pic. =]
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