Don't forget to check out Radio Disney at 4:15pm EST to hear the JB as Connect Three in their Planet Premiere of "Play My Music!" You can get that as a ringtone on AT&T wireless phones as well as a Ringback Tone on Verizon Wireless!
Check out what Ryan Seacrest/E! had to say about Mama Jonas.
Jonas Brothers:Living the Dream premieres on the Disney Channel, Friday, May 16th at 7:55pm EST!
A funny short clip of the boys on Radio Disney. Thanks JBMusiconRedbull!
Here are some pictures from last night's DC Games Red Carpet Event!

I'll upload more tomorrow on the MYSPACE when I get some more time!!!
Also, thanks to JBMusiconRedbull again for this amazing
video of the NEW Camp Rock Preview!

Also, thanks to JBMusiconRedbull again for this amazing
video of the NEW Camp Rock Preview!
|P.S. Just an fyi, but tonight is my Senior Prom, so I'm sorry if I'm not able to update as much and/or as quickly as I usually can! These next few weeks are going to be quite hectic for me until I finally graduate, so I apologize in advance! Thanks for understanding guys! ♥|