Be sure to pick up the new issue of Teen Vogue which includes lots of great new pictures of the boys! Preview the pics and a behind-the-scenes video on their website.
Yup--it's true. Kim Kardashian has a crush on our very own Nicholas Jerry! =]
Paul Kevin Jonas II born november 5, 1987 in teaneck, new jersey. plays many types of guitars && sings backup vocals. known as "kevin" or "the cute, romantic one."
Joseph Adam Jonas born august 15, 1989 in casa grande, arizona. plays tambourine, guitar, keyboard, && sings backup & lead vocals. known as "danger," "joe," "joseph," or "the cute, funny one."
Nicholas Jerry Jonas born september 16, 1992 in dallas, texas. plays many types of guitars, piano, drums, && backup & lead vocals. known as "nick j," "nick," "nicholas," or "the cute, sensitive one."
Franklin Nathaniel Jonas born september 28, 2000 in wyckoff, new jersey. plays the guitar in his own band webline. known as "frankie," "frankie j," or "the bonus jonas."
Denise & Kevin Jonas Sr. the proud and ever-giving parents of kevin, joe, nick, & frankie jonas. currently living on a tour bus with their 4 sons.