Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Boys are Performing at the DC Games Today!

Yep-I believe today is the last day of filming for the DC Games in Orlando, Florida. The boys are performing sometime today. =]

Don't forget to check out Radio Disney at 4:15pm EST to hear the JB as Connect Three in their Planet Premiere of "Play My Music!" You can get that as a ringtone on AT&T wireless phones as well as a Ringback Tone on Verizon Wireless!

Check out what Ryan Seacrest/E! had to say about Mama Jonas.

Jonas Brothers:Living the Dream premieres on the Disney Channel, Friday, May 16th at 7:55pm EST!

A funny short clip of the boys on Radio Disney. Thanks JBMusiconRedbull!

Here are some pictures from last night's DC Games Red Carpet Event!I'll upload more tomorrow on the MYSPACE when I get some more time!!!

Also, thanks to JBMusiconRedbull again for this amazing
video of the NEW Camp Rock Preview!


|P.S. Just an fyi, but tonight is my Senior Prom, so I'm sorry if I'm not able to update as much and/or as quickly as I usually can! These next few weeks are going to be quite hectic for me until I finally graduate, so I apologize in advance! Thanks for understanding guys! ♥|